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October 19, 2005

It's all about trust

Jeff Jarvis has nailed this web2.0 thing right on - It's all about trust !  During the initial web growth our  understanding was mostly around how things differ between the physical world and the emerging online world. This time it's all about making a trust-based distinction between different online services. 

In his latest post he writes

the mass market replaced by the mass of niches. The opportunity is greater value. But the challenge is far greater effort and cost: It’s not going to be easy to put together and manage these small and ad hoc networks.

we get to scale while distributing the work and the benefit with the trust. So in the end, the advertisers benefit by putting together the best networks at the lowest cost and effort and risk. And the participants of the networks benefit by attaching themselves, like atoms to molecules, to the highest value buys

It's going to be mainly about trust. How companies and individuals exchange their trust and how much value they put on those transactions will drive lot of business models.

October 19, 2005 in Emerging Technologies | Permalink


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