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October 21, 2005

Google here and Google there

And Google everywhere !

Yesterday morning started with one analyst claiming that the right price for Google is at $30.  Bambi sure picked the right day to take this interview (video interview is in archive now).

Day ended with analysts cheering for Google and stock went up by $30 in after hours trading.

During  daytime publishers finally got the big picture and decided it's now-or-never to stop this winner-takes-all train.  Google did their homework on the legal front but left few assumptions on the table (check the comments on this post).

This morning analysts are revising their estimates and rooting for $450 as a price target.

Very soon all VC firms in the Sandhill road will start shaking their portfolio and start another round of Google-killer stealth mode investments. After all look at Google's cold and clinical cash generating machine.  When was the last time somebody invented such an efficient cash generating machine ?

And while you are pondering what Google will do with all this windfall gain dont worry about their arrogance on other small issues such as opt-out (Dave Winer's post on opt-out) and privacy etc.  This might very well be a good turning point for Microsoft. Now we have a new big bad Godzilla to worry about. Microsoft is a new IBM anyways.

October 21, 2005 in Emerging Technologies | Permalink


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