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October 11, 2005

Big Idea

Nova has been producing excellent science documentaries lately. Their production quality is simply outstanding.  Today's documentary on  KQED was all about E=mc(2). Titled Einstein's Big Idea it was a quite a feast for both mind and eyes.  I would highly recommend this to anybody interested in physics and general stories of the  golden era of physics.

While you are on the site also checkout some select quotes from Einstein.  His take on individualism is worth mentioning here because of the recent emphasis on the importance of community for the general social advancement ( all the buzz around collaboration and community)

"It is important for the common good to foster individuality: for only the individual can produce the new ideas which the community needs for its continuous improvement and requirements—indeed, to avoid sterility and petrification."

Thanks to Nova and KQED for showing this outstanding documentary.

October 11, 2005 in Science | Permalink


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