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April 03, 2005

Open standards first and foremost

Mat Assay [of Novell] on the role open standards play :

So, while open source is a Very Good Thing, it's not the only thing one should consider when looking at software. If you're an IT buyer, open standards should be the overriding concern, with open source a close third. Your second consideration should be whether the product meets your needs. Why standards before needs? Because your needs tomorrow may change - if you're locked into a product because you bought into a closed standard, you're bien fichu, no matter how good it was at the beginning.

I started following his blog recently. Being an insider he knows how the vendor moves are shaping the open source world.  His reiteration of this correct sequencing starting with open standards and THEN moving on to customer needs and open source will help keep things in perspective. Little pragmatism will go a long way in helping all who care for open source.

Combining open standards with open standards will prove to be a winning combination. Both aim for maximum adoption and seek volume.

April 3, 2005 in Open source | Permalink


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