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December 21, 2004



A little known company in Bangalore—Bluechip Infoway—has developed a platform on which process-independent software applications can be built. The functioning of such an application works is governed by externalized rules. Intergarden currently deploys Bluechip’s platform, and the client seems extremely happy with it.

The founders of Blue Chip Infoway took a cue from what had happened in the database space. In the previous generation of data management applications, data was embedded. Hence it did not facilitate sharing of data across different applications or transactions. As the volume of data grew, relationships across different data sets became apparent. Companies then rushed to deploy a standards-based DBMS that could share data across several applications—they deployed a holistic data management platform.

Its a very compelling idea of automating processes in industries where processes are adhoc and inherently disjointed.

Ok innovation part done , go get some kick-ass world class marketing.

December 21, 2004 in Emerging Technologies | Permalink


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