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October 07, 2003
Battered company maps strategy for comeback
I wonder what prescription Clayten has for Sun. If Sun has to cannibalize their cash cow in order to be relevant in future then what all businesses they should exit and which business they should focus on. I would bet my money on N1 and come out completely from SPARC and expensive Solaris investments. Leverage software and heavy lifting oriented in-house expertise and do for Linux what IBM and Redhat is doing. As Jewish saying goes there is a time for everything. Now is the time to keep Scott-mouth shut and do the boring stuff. Wait for the next cycle to do tough talking.
On paper, the N1 plan looks like a solid proposition that builds on the two dominant industry trends: Web services, for easy integration of systems, and utility or on-demand computing, which lessens installation headaches.
Now, all McNealy and Co. need to do is build it.
"At least from a software perspective, I think they have a good story to tell, and they are doing things to be successful," RedMonk's O'Grady said. "Whether they can execute is up in the air, but customers we have spoken to say this is interesting."
October 7, 2003 | Permalink
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